Leaders Summit Notes/Debrief

Since I was taking notes anyway, I thought maybe post them here for the reference of other riders and coaches.

These are in no particular order, so take them a la carte and for what they are worth:

  • the DCNR part didn’t give me a lot of direction, but offered more background on what DCNR is.

  • The diversity part was a good goal for the team. I think we have traditionally done a good job, we always open to do more and try harder.

  • The “loser mentality” talk was very interesting to me. I might be biased, but because the speaker was self employed, it really appealed to me. Her deck had good points. Here is a link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YOkKfOCuNa9VcJv_u1hl9kWU6Rwe9NKq/view?usp=sharing

  • I liked the idea of “rider of the day” for positive reinforcement for a kid who might be struggling.

  • Like the idea of names on helmets in the opening weeks.

  • Local dirts can be part of what we do. We should get Lou out here to look. Mike has been here. We could host a local dirt at Hess Field as a practice if we wanted to do so.

  • Like the idea of kids saying their favorite thing during practice that ANOTHER RIDER did that day.

  • Fill kids tanks. “compliment sandwich”

  • Stay positive.

  • Mention specific skills. Not just general. What SPECIFICALLY did you like about what they did?

  • The kids won’t have fun, if the Coaches aren’t

  • Keep your energy level HIGH! You will reap what you sow.

  • if you have a kid on the team, and are a coach, “where your “parent hats” and “coaches hats” when appropriate.

  • If you really have to give a rider some info/suggestions….ask them first. It makes them more open to it.

  • Melissa did a talk of POMBS. This mostly focusses on how to build character in riders (and coaches).

  • “My Best” and “Best Self” is the key to helping folks achieve “My Best Self”.

  • Get the kids to state “I do this because…” and note what they say. We have done this in the past, and it’s a good practice. It helps everyone understand goals.

  • Know larger goals. Things like “finish what you started” and how that relates to what we do.

  • Here is a link to some more notes:

    Dr. Gottman’s research on the “Magic 5:1 Ratio” of Positives to Negatives

    Carol Dweck’s book: “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”

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