Train the Paul way...A training outline

Ever wonder why Paul is so fast? Well, if so, you can learn the secret to his success by following this training guide he prepared for anyone who would like to follow it. Beware: Paul’s work ethic is legend. It might involved some discipline and sweat.

Weekly Training Schedule

(Starts on Monday) Rotate between the two given training week models.

Model Training Week 1.

-Find a hill that will take around 5 minutes and repeat it 5 times at a hard pace. Ride for about an hour total
-90 min easy ride
-90 min moderate ride with 30 sec sprints every 10 minutes
-60 min easy
-Find a hill that takes around 8 minutes and repeat it 4 times at a hard pace. Ride for a total of 60 minutes.
-Long ride. Get at least two hours in.
-Rest Day

Model Training Week 2.
-Find a shorter hill (one that takes around 3 minutes), and repeat it 9 times at a very hard pace. Ride for around 90 minutes total.
-60 min easy

-120 minutes moderate pace with 30 sec sprints every 30 minutes. -Thursday-
-90 minutes easy

-Find a hill that takes around 8 minutes and repeat it 4 times at a hard pace. Ride for a total of 60 minutes.
-Long ride. Try to get upwards of 2 hours.

-Sunday- -Rest day